early cover up

[early cover]
I went to cover the tea plantation in Ujitawara-cho where the tea leaves for tencha, the raw material for Yusando's matcha, are grown.
We received information that frost might fall, so we put the covers on before and after Golden Week in May, about two weeks earlier than usual.
By blocking the light with the cheesecloth, the sunlight softens considerably.
Sprouts swaying in the wind and looking pleasant.
Ujitawara's tea fields are hand-picked by many people every year.
I'm looking forward to the
peaceful days so that I can hand-pick this year as well.
#Yusando#Natural farming#Tea#Japanese tea#Uji tea#Yamato tea#Organic JAS#Single origin#I want to connect with tea lovers#Natural tea#Yamato Kogen#tea#japanesetea#organictea#japanesetea #kyoto#nara#hirakata#minimalist#muji#small diet#Japanese tea instructor