Commitment to making tea

  • [Assessment of good tea]

    【いいお茶の見極め】 - 悠三堂 / Yusando Online Store

    I went to a tea market in Kyoto for a study session just before the second exam to become a Japanese tea instructor.

    Three hours of tea appraisal for the first time. He taught me how to taste tea that I didn't know before.

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  • new tea plantation

    新しいお茶畑 - 悠三堂 / Yusando Online Store

    The shortest day of the year. winter solstice.
    To the new tea plantation in Minamiyamashiro village
    that was introduced by chance.

    To entrust Yusando with this beautiful tea plantation that has been beautifully managed for generations. To have the technology of tea production inherited. With the arrival of a new era, we are excited to say that our tea making has finally entered the mainstream.

    Next spring and summer will definitely be busy.
    When things are lacking,
    is a chance to become even bigger. 

    #Yusando#Natural farming#Tea#Japanese tea#Uji tea#Yamato tea#Organic JAS#Single origin#Living#I want to connect with tea lovers#Natural tea#Yamato Kogen#tea#japanesetea#organictea #japanesetea#kyoto#nara#hirakata#Minami Yamashiro Village

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  • [Natural farming matcha]

    【自然農法のお抹茶】 - 悠三堂 / Yusando Online Store

    [Natural Farming Matcha]
    To Mr. Sauroan, who carefully grinds our matcha
    by hand
    every month

    Yusando's tea leaves arranged by age
    Tell us about the aroma and taste of tea

    Matcha using natural farming, which feels more difficult every year
    However, tea leaves that have worked hard this year

    I want to make the most of the power of nature
    I don't want to rely on fertilizer
    understanding and advising
    Kanda-san, my husband.

    #Yusando #Natural farming #No fertilizer, no pesticide# Matcha #matcha#yusando#naturalagriculture #superorganic #morethanorganic @ Kyoto Daitokuji

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  • Tea party using natural farming matcha

    自然農法の抹茶を使ったお茶会 - 悠三堂 / Yusando Online Store

    [natural farming matcha]

    November is the New Year for tea masters.

    I participated in the tea party in the classroom where I am practicing.

    A day in the garden with Mr. Kihara, who also makes matcha using natural farming methods in Ujitawara. The weather was fine and I was able to spend a pleasant day.

    The matcha used at the tea ceremony was a natural farming matcha that was carefully cultivated by Mr. Kihara. It was clean, round, less bitter, and very delicious.

    Matcha using natural farming methods is still rare.

    I thought it would be great if it could be more popular among tea masters who love nature.

    #Yusando#Natural farming#Tea#Japanese tea#Uji tea#Yamato tea#Organic JAS#Single origin#Living#I want to connect with tea lovers#Natural tea#Yamato Kogen#tea#japanesetea#organictea #japanesetea#kyoto#nara#hirakata#matcha#pesticide-free matcha

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